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November 05, 2008



is that the THE lilly lewin, the famous author?


now comes the horrible time when you are trying NOT to run to and peek at your sales rank to see if you are selling more books than doug.



yeah! and what a booth end! nice.. jealous. &:~)

D.G. Hollums

ROCK ON!!!! BTW Lilly, you should put a link up on your blog to the Art Walk interview from Praxis Podcast. I bet your listeners would love to hear you taking about it.

D.G. Hollums

BTW; the link just in case if you want it is:

Saranell Hartman

Yahooo! Yippeee! I am so excited to see you and the book looking so cool and sacred. I can't wait to get a copy! Proud to know you!

Lots of love & congratulations!


congratulations, Lily, you clever clever girl!

Chad Herring

Congrats, Lilly! That rocks.


Your hair, shirt and stitching are perfectly color coordinated with the display. Excellent thinking.

Andrew Seely

me wanteee!!!

Heidi Renee

woo hoo! awesome lilly! proud of you - computer crash and all - YOU DID IT!

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