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November 08, 2008


Jason Valendy

I like this idea of Worshipful Art Walks, but I am curious to know if this would ‘work’ with youth? I am not a big art guy (as these folk seem to be) but I can see great value in this. How can a guy who is not into art but identifies that many people in the arts district in Fort Worth are into art, do this? Just do it? Do I need art people to be ‘leaders’ of the group to inspire others in ways I could not? Great idea.

D.G. Hollums

Thanks again Lilly! Jason posted this question on the Praxis podcast website, but I'm glad he found your blog and posted the question here.


hey jason,
great questions!

why not try this with some artsy friends before making it a "thing" for your students...

even those who are used to looking at art may not have ever gone to a gallery or museum with Jesus...or using "son glasses" to look at the works, or they've never allowed the holy spirit. so often this is brand new experience even for folks who like, love, live art.

i'd also say the discussion afterwards is KEY!
it helps folks see what others are seeing and what God is showing them through the art and the scripture.

we have people try this all the time who aren't artistic, but like art.

for some the scripture is the guide, but for others the art is really speaking more than the scripture...God is speaking through both.

feel free to email me or give me a call for more ideas/info!

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